Comfort Packs for Children’s A&E selected for Tesco Funding

St Helier Hospital’s Comfort Packs for Children’s A&E initiative has been successfully selected for Tesco’s in-store funding through the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme.

This project, led by the Paediatric A&E Team at St Helier Hospital, aims to support children and young people arriving at A&E with mental health needs, many of whom are experiencing a crisis. For these individuals, A&E often serves as the first point of contact for support during a mental health emergency.

When children and young people arrive at A&E, they are not always accompanied by a parent or carer, and sometimes a parent may be unable to stay due to the need to care for other children at home.

It’s common for these children and young people to spend extended periods in A&E, including overnight stays and even days or weeks in the hospital. This experience can be very frightening for them, especially since they may not have personal belongings, including basic hygiene items.

The Comfort Packs will be a vital support for a child or young person in this situation. Access to toiletries and pyjamas can significantly enhance their sense of well-being during this difficult time in A&E. Each Comfort Park will contain essential care and hygiene items such as toiletries, sanitary products, socks, and more.

Now part of the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme, the project needs community votes to secure £1,500 in funding, which will provide 214 comfort packs for families in need. Volunteers, including Tesco staff, are expected to help compile the packs, ensuring they are ready for distribution.

We’re calling on you, our staff to help us out. Please visit Tesco Sutton Cheam Extra and vote for our project. Every vote counts toward supporting young patients and their families during difficult times.

You have until January 12th, 2025, to cast your vote.

Your support is greatly appreciated!