Your support of your local hospital means you’re helping your community – your friends, your family, your neighbours! We’re proud to be part of a community that takes care of each other.

We promise to treat you with respect and openness and guarantee that when you choose to support us we will: 


  • We trust you’ll be interested in learning more about our work. We’ll always be transparent about how we communicate with you. 
  • If you prefer not to be contacted or have specific preferences on how we contact you, we’ll respect your wishes. 
  • You can change your mind about what you receive from us at any time. 

Protect your privacy and data

  • We will ensure that your personal details are safeguarded and we will never share of sell your personal data to third parties or swap them for marketing purposes. 
  • We will always respect your right to privacy and adhere to laws around the use of data. 
  • For more information you can read our full privacy policy. 

Maintain the highest standards of Fundraising 

  • We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and comply with the principles of the Fundraising Promise to always be open and honest. 
  • We will ensure that third-parties that we work with will uphold the same high standards you expect from Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity.

Be transparent 

  • We value your donations and fundraising and use them where they will have the greatest impact in our hospitals, or if requested, for the specific purpose they were given. 
  • We’ll answer any question you have about how your donation is spent and clear financial information will be available to you within our annual reports. 
  • We might turn down a donation if we feel that accepting it would damage our reputation or go against our values, if we do, we’ll explain why. 

Treat you with respect 

  • We will always treat you with respect and honesty.
  • We will never put you under pressure to make or contribute a gift.
  • We will respond promptly to your questions and complaints. 

You can contact us anytime on or give us a call on 01372 735 262 or write to us at Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity, Ground Floor Headley Wing, Epsom Hospital, Dorking Road, Surrey KT18 7EG. Please remember to include your contact details so we can get back in touch.