We are so grateful for the support of our Fund Advisors and this page is dedicated to answering your questions, providing useful resources and directing you to how we can support you with your role. 

Any contribution to a Special Purpose Fund must be a freely given donation. It must not be given in return for something, such as sponsorship.  

You can use a special purpose fund to support projects that directly impact patients, their families and our staff. It is important that you ensure your funding requests aligns with the Charity and Trust strategic priorities and you must ensure that your request is anything over and above what the NHS should provide. 

Fund Advisors are usually senior members of staff within a service who authorise expenditure from the fund. Each fund requires a minimum of two Fund Advisors, to update the details we hold for the fund, please fill out our SPF Fund Advisor Amendment Form and send to esth.charity@nhs.net 

Fund statements provide an overview of the income and expenditure on the fund you manage, including the available balance. If you’d like to request an up-to-date fund statement, please send the fund number and name to esth.charity@nhs.net and we will get back to you. 

Fund Advisers are responsible for ensuring the funds are used in accordance with the donor’s wishes and our charitable objects. There is also a duty to show a degree of independence, so fund advisers cannot receive any significant personal benefit from the funds.

There are so many ways you can get involved and fundraise for your SPF. From taking part in an event, to hosting a bake sale or if you simply want to put up some posters around your department with a QR code to donate- our charity team are here to support you every step of the way! Get in touch with the team directly on esth.charity@nhs.net 

If a patient, relative or someone you know would like to donate directly into your SPF, the best thing to do is put them in touch directly with our helpful Charity Team who can let them know the best way to make the donation and support them as they do. Give us a call on 01372 735 262.

If your expenditure was endorsed by your fellow Fund Advisors, or another member of staff has had approval from you. You can download our payment request form here and along with the receipts and proof or purchase, send this to the charity team on esth.charity@nhs.net 

With any Charitable expenditure, you will need to initially complete an FD7 form which you can download here. This will need to be fully completed and authorised by the relevant number of signatories and then submitted to the charity via esth.charity@nhs.net 

Our team are currently working away at creating a Fund Advisor Handbook to help explain the role and responsibilities for being a Fund Advisors, and how everything related to your SPF works. Keep your eyes peeled as we will be sending this out and adding to this page shortly!

Reach out to us